Break the cycle. Build the future.
Bridges inspires women affected by trauma, violence or abuse to reclaim their lives and build financial security through our healing, education and employment programs. Our services are open to all women (transgender and cisgender), non-binary, and two-spirit people who identify as a part of the women’s community and who have been impacted by violence or trauma at any time in their lives.
Our Impact
I am so grateful to have been able to attend Bridges during the pandemic. Finally, after years and years of failed jobs, relationships, addiction and suffering I am able to heal and have hope of a stable future in my life. I am so grateful and blessed to have found Bridges.
Thank you so much.
-Kathleen, A Bridges Graduate
Over the past 12 months:
Individuals Served
Graduates who retained new school or work positions after 3 months
What We Do

Employment Readiness Programs
We offer a variety of free programs designed to meet the individual needs of each woman who works with us, supporting them to break the cycle of abuse and trauma through healing, education and pre-employment training. Through our transformative programs, women learn to understand how trauma has impacted their lives. They build their skills and confidence to move forward, develop long-term career and personal goals, and create their own brighter futures through academic upgrading and mentorship.

Certified clinical counselors offer trauma-informed, strengths-based, and somatic experiencing approaches to counselling. Through one-on-one support, we help women work through the impacts of trauma and move toward freedom and confidence. Up to 10 free sessions available for eligible clients. Other funding may be available for continued support.

Help break the cycle of violence through healing and employment.
Support Bridges For Women
Get Involved
Bridges relies on members, volunteers and supporters to provide our life-changing programming and services to women affected by trauma. Read about the many ways to join the community.
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